
Coffee and I didn’t know this is in the top 10 commodities it is one of my favorite drinks and I only drink it in the morning all though my Mom and Pop drank it all day I didn’t have a taste for it till I was early in my 20’s. I like how it makes me feel in the morning after a shower and some stretching exercises and some people are better left alone till at least 1 cup if ya know what I mean.


Now we can drink Coffee And Losing Weight comes with it. Making a coffee that helps you lose wight has been out there and will it work? Probably not for all and for very long either. Then UH-OH the ingredients in it that makes it “work” get taken off the shelf soon after. plôs thermo comes from bio-hacking. “SNAP” it into what you are drinking hot or cold a non-dairy creamer that will just make it taste better

A non-dairy creamer that helps you lose weight with thermogenic properties to help get rid of that unwanted fat. Look and feel better

Do you know what makes a morning with Coffee even better?

Let this “Amazing” Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

My eating habit are simple and I do like to eat. We cook out on the grill for most of our meals whether it’s vegetables or meat we’ve worn out our share of gas grills. Pies and cheesecake ain’t easy to pass up either. plôs thermo can make your food taste better and naturally help you eat less and feel full.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it “My Cake”.

It’s a good thing to wake up to  plôs thermo in the morning ready to go be alert and eagerly waiting to get on with the days chores and focus on our goals.

When you impact the lives of others with something good like it just makes ya feel better.

I like to cook outside whether over an open fire or on our gas grill it goes along with familys and friends and you add some Fine Wine or some good Coffee and ya send a message that you like what your doing and the smiles on all your family’s and friends faces tells the story. Sun down comes and we sit back with our Coffee or a glass of Wine and think about our day and the future what will it bring.

And these are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solution)

Coffee and Wine can come into your lives and you can share it with friends and family and watch as their lives improve and they feel better. So don’t keep it a secret share it with all you can and tell them to do the same.

 plôs thermo added to your coffee or whatever you drink will make it taste better give you the energy you need to do your day and help you lose weight.

A couple a cups of Coffee with  plôs thermo added can make you feel good and ready for the day.  plôs thermo will help ya lose weight and then enjoy your evening meal have some Wine and watch the sun go down knowing we’ve had a full day and look forward to tomorrow.

Science has brought this to us so that we can eat cake without regrets

No diets

No keeping track of how much you eat

Keep your lifestyle

Life is stressful enough.

Ya got enough going on in your life without having to worry about your weight. plôs thermo will lend you a hand and help you lose the weight.

Bills got ya down check out the Business Side information is also there when you order your plôs thermo and register on the right of this article to our email news letter. That will set you up to find all we have in store for you.

When you add the Science of Bio Hacking with this plôs thermo you have a good addition to your coffee and to your health. You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! See it here! There’s more to help you sleep, feel better, help ya stay focused and get better skin, hair, and nails and a lot more.