Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? College what kind of education you gonna get? They gonna teach you what you signed up for or they gonna teach you what they think you need to learn? Spend LOTS of MONEY, TIME, and ENERGY for what to go in debt and spend a long time paying it off.

School is costing more the tuition and books and everything it takes to get a college education. But yet in the real world success rates are dropping.

Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight. I believe he hits the nail on the head.

Is College Worth It?

Well let’s look and see what comes up.

If you go to college and want to learn. 45% in the first 2 years didn’t show that they were learning and 40% didn’t learn a thing over 4 years how long would we last on a job with those numbers?

CLEARLY College is not making People Smarter.

Students don’t work at it they don’t study. Less than 5 hours a WEEK reported by 35%.

They reported 2.67 hours a week 2.67 studying. Don’t ask them how much time they spend on social media.

Adult illiteracy is going up and that is sad. Cognitive Tasks thing as easy as adding up you costs at the local grocery store a lot of college graduates can’t do it.

Kids in high school in some other countries are testing right at or higher than college graduates here in the USA.

The Academic Rigor is falling in some of or major colleges.

Students are failing with college GPA’s over 3.0 and inflation of grades at private schools is highest. That shows that more aren’t making the grade but nobody fails.

And with $Billions in Tax Payer dollars being sent to these Institutions??? WHAT!!! If this was a Private Business there would be Fraud Indictments. 

So how does it get fixed?

The education that you will have access to has shown that it is helping to create incomes of hundreds to thousands a week for the students and it won’t come from your tuition costs.

You can literally learn to earn within a month to 6 months so it ain’t a 2-4-6 year course.

Costs? Well you can get going for as little as $97.

When compared to college it could be to good to be true but is it the scam that has gotten over on millions of Americans ?

It gets better… you’ll get a full 60 DAYS or your $97 back!

READY? Go here for just a GLIMPSE.. and if I was you… I’d just get it, get going and see for yourself what you are about to learn. And when applied… you gain in potential incomes and time freedom. Funny… they definitely do not teach this in School. We think you’ll find a lot of good options when you connect with us. Then answer the question you need to ask is ,,,Is college worth it?


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